He is popularly known as Dr. Sam globally and in the Bay Area Agile circles; a name given by his students, trainees, colleagues, and friends. He carries a rich experience, spanning three decades as an Agile enthusiast, business, and life coach in the heart of Silicon Valley, California. He is married to Ms. Monica Sinha and has two daughters Eva Sinha and Eti Sinha who live with him in Fremont. He has a King Charles Spaniel named Elon as a pet and fifth member of the family.
Dr. Sam is CEO and founder of Strategism Inc www.strategisminc.com, which is people’s favorite, Technology Training, and Staffing firm established in 2008 in Fremont, CA. He has mentored thousands of students, professionals, senior corporate leaders, practitioners, leaders hailing from Fortune 500 companies to start-ups. He is an acclaimed writer with four books out on the market. A member of the Forbes Technology Council
https://www.forbes.com/councils/forbestechcouncil/people/samswapnsinha/ a keynote speaker, a Youtuber, and a part of several think tanks. He strongly believes in giving back to society and plans to run a non-profit in a few years.
Dr. Sam is a faculty at Northwestern Polytechnic University in Fremont, CA. He has a penchant for teaching and is loved by his students due to his distinctive coaching methods. He is also a believer in lifelong learning. His philosophy is that everyone should be as curious as a child to achieve more and more the world has to offer.
“He loves traveling, and singing, is an avid reader, plays guitar, Chess, Sudoku, and is crazy about driving cars.”